Welcome to our Hub!
Through sharing and networking, the Task Force aim is 'working better together' to enable more equitable and better care for children and young people around the world.
Learning Zone
Here we include e-resources to promote learning about paediatric musculoskeletal medicine and signpost to opportunities for training.
Understand | diagnose | change - The PMM Portfolio is a free resource open to all!
PMM is for all clinicians at all grades who may encounter children and aims to raise awareness and to facilitate early diagnosis. PMM contains knowledge and clinical skills and includess the PMM website, the pGALS app and PMM e-learning modules. PMM targets clinicians who are not be specialists in paediatric musculoskeletal medicine.
All resources are free and open to all.

Paediatric Gait Arms Legs Spine (pGALS) - a simple quick and effective musculoskeletal examination
Free and open resources with multiple language translations available, including the pGALS app and V-pGALS for use in telemedicine.

Versus Arthritis - pGALS resources
Versus Arthritis have worked with the PMM team to collate resources to aid teaching and learning about pGALS - this includes a new e-flipbook!

Paediatric Rheumatology European Society (PReS) EMERGE
The overarching aim of EMERGE is to improve the quality of education, provide more clinical and research opportunities and enhance global collaborations for trainees working in the field of paediatric rheumatology.

The Juvenile Inflammatory Rheumatism (JIR) network Virtual Academy
An educational platform and resources for specialists in paediatric rheumatology. Access to e-modules and virtual courses are not free.
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